Mastering Threat Hunting with Security Onion: A Comprehensive Guide to Setup and Optimization

Security Onion is a free and open Linux distribution for threat hunting, enterprise security monitoring, and log management.

An easy-to-use setup wizard allows you to establish a distributed sensor army for your enterprise in minutes. Security Onion includes a native web interface with built-in tools that enable analysts to respond to alerts, hunt for threats, log evidence into cases, monitor grid performance, and more.

1. Prepare the Server Environment, Current Environment:

1. Centos 7.9 32G 8C 300G with two network cards. 2. Prepare a Docker image accelerator tool. Without acceleration, pulling images during installation will fail. After enabling the accelerator tool, you need to exclude the hostname,, and localhost, otherwise, it will result in the inability to write data to the Elasticsearch container, causing the container to fail to start.

2. Start Installation, First Configure the Accelerator

2.1. Enable the accelerator. I am using the tool below, others need to solve this themselves. Enter the accelerator directory, configure the config.json file, and start the Docker image accelerator.

2.2. Threat hunting: Inspect the accelerator’s port and configure local acceleration environment variables. Private network addresses and the local hostname do not require acceleration.

[root@220-220 v2ray]# netstat -lntup
tcp        00127.0.0.1:10808*               LISTEN      4426/
tcp        00127.0.0.1:10809*               LISTEN      4426/
[root@220-220 v2ray]# vim /etc/profile79no_proxy_192=$(echo192.168.220.{1..255}|sed's/ /,/g')#no acceleration addresses must include local addresses; modify based on your requirements80exportno_proxy="220-220,${no_proxy_192}"#no acceleration effective, includes 220-220 hostname and the above private network addresses81exporthttps_proxy= #Accelerate HTTPS via local 1080982exporthttp_proxy=  #Accelerate HTTP via local 10809

3. Git Clone the Project

[root@220-220 ~]# git clone

4. Install Security Onion

[root@220-220 v2ray]# cd /root/securityonion/[root@220-220 securityonion]# ./so-setup-network

Threat huntingSelect YESThreat huntingSelect EVALInsert image description hereFill in AGREEInsert image description hereFill in the hostnameInsert image description hereSelect YESInsert image description hereSelect OkInsert image description hereInsert image description hereInsert image description hereInsert image description here Choose the network interface for traffic mirroring, Ok

Insert image description here Select auto-updateInsert image description here Input addressInsert image description here Select the plugins to installInsert image description here Keep Docker container IP defaultInsert image description hereProvide the administrator’s email address

Insert image description hereEnter the administrator’s password twice

Insert image description here Use IP to access the WEB pageInsert image description here Select YESInsert image description here Enter the access address to allow access from all addressesInsert image description here Confirm the entered informationInsert image description here Wait for the installation

[root@220-220 ~]# tailf sosetup.log  #View installation logs
Insert image description here

[root@220-220 ~]# while sleep 3; do docker images | grep | wc -l;done5#View the number of pulled images[root@220-220 ~]# docker images| grep -v 220-220 | wc -l	#A total of 32 images are needed32[root@220-220 ~]# docker ps |grep -v ID |wc -l   #A total of 30 containers are running30[root@220-224 ~]# so-allow  #Open ports

Choose the role for the IP or Range you would like to allow

[a] - Analyst - 80/tcp, 443/tcp
[b] - Logstash Beat - 5044/tcp
[e] - Elasticsearch REST API - 9200/tcp
[f] - Strelka frontend - 57314/tcp
[o] - Osquery endpoint - 8090/tcp
[s] - Syslog device - 514/tcp/udp
[w] - Wazuh agent - 1514/tcp/udp
[p] - Wazuh API - 55000/tcp
[r] - Wazuh registration service - 1515/tcp

Please enter your selection: a      #a for ports 80/443
Enter a single IP address or range to allow (ex: or  #Allow access for the address
Adding to the analyst role. This can take a few seconds...

[root@220-220 ~]# so-status	#Check the status of all components

Checking Docker status

    Docker ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [ OK ]    

Checking container statuses

    so-aptcacherng --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [ OK ]    
    so-curator ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [ OK ]    
    so-dockerregistry ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [ OK ]    
    so-elastalert ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [ OK ]    
    so-elasticsearch ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [ OK ]    
    so-filebeat ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [ OK ]    
    so-fleet --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [ OK ]    
    so-grafana ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [ OK ]    
    so-idstools ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [ OK ]    
    so-influxdb ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [ OK ]    
    so-kibana -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [ OK ]    
    so-kratos -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [ OK ]    
    so-mysql --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [ OK ]    
    so-nginx --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [ OK ]    
    so-playbook ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [ OK ]    
    so-redis --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [ OK ]    
    so-sensoroni ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [ OK ]    
    so-soc ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [ OK ]    
    so-soctopus ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [ OK ]    
    so-steno --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [ OK ]    
    so-strelka-backend ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [ OK ]    
    so-strelka-coordinator ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [ OK ]    
    so-strelka-filestream -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [ OK ]    
    so-strelka-frontend ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [ OK ]    
    so-strelka-gatekeeper -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [ OK ]    
    so-strelka-manager ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [ OK ]    
    so-suricata ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [ OK ]    
    so-telegraf ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [ OK ]    
    so-wazuh --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [ OK ]    
    so-zeek ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [ OK ]

5. Page Display

Insert image description hereLogin page

Insert image description here

Issue Record: During the execution of the installation command, the installation process clears the registry-mirrors content in the daemon.json management configuration file. Security Onion needs to push images to the local private repository. If it cannot find the private repository address, Docker will fail to restart. The file is as follows:

[root@120-221 ~]# cat /etc/docker/daemon.json{"registry-mirrors":["https://:5000"],

Solution: After starting the installation command, manually add the local IP address to registry-mirrors: private repository address, example as follows:

Insert image description here