1. Reconnaissance
1.1 Gathering Target Network Information: IP Address
Attack and target machines are on the same C-segment, allowing ARP protocol scanning to obtain IP addresses
1.2 Active Scanning: Scanning IP Address Segments
Scanning ports and services revealed 22/ssh and 80/http
1.3 Searching Target Website
Accessing the website indicated that it’s only accessible locally
Use BurpSuite to proxy browser traffic and add a request header to all traffic: x-forwarded-for: localhost
This allows normal access to the website, revealing main functions of registration and login
2. Initial Access
2.1 Exploiting Public-Facing Applications
Register and log in to an account, where personal information shows your account password
The user_id parameter in the personal information page can be iterated to unauthorizedly view all users’ account passwords
Use BurpSuite to iterate over the user_id parameter, downloading all users’ account passwords unauthorizedly
3. Credential Access
3.1 Brute Force: Credential Stuffing
Some users use the same account password across multiple platforms, allowing brute-forcing of the SSH service using all users’ website credentials, eventually gaining SSH access as user ‘alice’
4. Privilege Escalation
4.1 Abusing Privilege Control Mechanisms: Sudo and Sudo Caching
User ‘alice’ can execute PHP commands with root permissions, which can be used to escalate privileges, eventually achieving root user access
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