Comprehensive Guide to Network Reconnaissance, Initial Access, and Privilege Escalation Techniques

Network security

1. Reconnaissance

1.1 Gathering Target Network Information: IP Address

Attack and target machines are on the same C-segment, allowing ARP protocol scanning to obtain IP addresses

ARP protocol scanning />

1.2 Active Scanning: Scanning IP Address Segments

Scanning ports and services revealed 22/ssh and 80/http

ARP protocol scanning />

1.3 Searching Target Website

Accessing the website indicated that it’s only accessible locally

Use BurpSuite to proxy browser traffic and add a request header to all traffic: x-forwarded-for: localhost

This allows normal access to the website, revealing main functions of registration and login

2. Initial Access

2.1 Exploiting Public-Facing Applications

Register and log in to an account, where personal information shows your account password

The user_id parameter in the personal information page can be iterated to unauthorizedly view all users’ account passwords

Use BurpSuite to iterate over the user_id parameter, downloading all users’ account passwords unauthorizedly

3. Credential Access

3.1 Brute Force: Credential Stuffing

Some users use the same account password across multiple platforms, allowing brute-forcing of the SSH service using all users’ website credentials, eventually gaining SSH access as user ‘alice’

4. Privilege Escalation

4.1 Abusing Privilege Control Mechanisms: Sudo and Sudo Caching

User ‘alice’ can execute PHP commands with root permissions, which can be used to escalate privileges, eventually achieving root user access

cat the flag

5. Attack Path Summary

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